
Negative emotion:

Focus on negative emotional mechanisms: anxiety, depression. Especially in individuals interactive setting

Social Cognitive Neuroscience:

Focus on monitoring individual’s brain activity in social environment, now focus on emotions with social navigation topic discussion

Research Experience:

(1) Social anxiety, mentalizing and real or virtual distances: A Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation:

a: Design experimental paradigm, literature review and study design.
b: Selection, Screening, and Collect data by psychometric methodology.
c: Measure Real Social Distance and Virtual Distance Preference.
d: Manuscript of the paper as the first author.

(2) Neural computation of personal space and its influence on dynamic social navigation:

a: Conceptualization questions in fMRI distance preference task.
b: Collecting data in social distance preference task.
c: Manuscript the paper as second author.

(3) The multi-modal representation of negative emotion experience under virtual reality:

a: Design the behavioral process (questionnaires) study tasks.
b: Collected the EEG, psychophysiological data.
c: Collect and Analysis psychometric data on neuroticism, empathy, and mentalization.
d: Second author of the publication.

(4) The EEG variability during Auditory processing task of aging population (ongoing project) (Cooperation with West China Hospital)

a: EEG data preprocessing and feature extraction by using MNE in Python.
b: EEG data preprocessing and mismatch negative extraction by using MATLAB.
c: EEG resting data prepressing and Microstate analysis.
d: Psychometric measurements on anxiety, MoCA and RBDQ-HK.
e: Manuscript the paper as the first co-author.